Signs That Your Home in Minneapolis May Have a Hidden Leak

A hidden water leak is quite frightening. As a homeowner, you are constantly aware of your surroundings and steadily watching for any signs of damage. Unfortunately, with a hidden water leak, you don’t often find those signs until it is too late. Over time, the water leaking into your ceiling, underneath the floors, or behind walls steadily grows worse. As it does, you’re looking at expensive restoration and repairs, mold growth, and severe health concerns for the entire family. A single plumbing leak is not just a simple repair. It can have long-lasting, drastic effects for everyone indoors. Learn more about the signs of a hidden water leak below.

Signs of a Hidden Water Leak

When you have a hidden water leak from a pipe in your home, there are five telltale signs that could make a huge difference if you spot them early enough. Take a look:

  • Odor – As the leak worsens, it begins to rot the building materials around you. The dampness will lead to mold growth in places you cannot visibly check. As such, you cannot rely on your eyesight alone. Your nose will play a significant role in locating a plumbing leak. Over time, you’ll begin to notice the telltale smell of mildew and rotting damp wood.
  • Bugs – There are many bugs that absolutely adore a damp, dark environment. With a plumbing leak, the interior of your walls becomes a breeding ground for roaches, mosquitoes, and other types of pests. If you suddenly notice you have a growing bug problem, chances are there is a hidden reason.
  • Noises – Your plumbing system is not entirely silent. However, with a hidden leak, you’ll suddenly notice odd sounds coming from the pipes. Most often, this noise will present itself as stuttering or pinging when you turn on the faucet. This noise is due to air within the line.
  • Wet Patches – Probably the easiest sign to watch for, wet patches in normally dry areas is a common sign of a hidden leak. Most often, homeowners spot wet patches on their ceiling. The tiles begin to sag and show signs of water damage, which eventually turns black or brown.
  • Rust – If a plumbing leak is caused by corrosion, then chances are quite high you’ll spot a bit of rust or sediment in the water supply. The next time you turn on your faucet, check the water before splashing it over your face or drinking it. If you notice rust or other particles, chances are you have a leak in the line somewhere.

A hidden water leak can lead to a considerable amount of damage. Fortunately for you, local restoration companies are always on the job. With just a single phone call, you and your home could have a fighting chance against any size leak or water damage in your home.
For expert property damage restoration following water damage from a hidden leak, pick up the phone and call Restoration 1 of Greater Minneapolis at 612-200-2302. We provide homeowners with 24/7 water damage restoration year-round!

About The Author

David Tynes is the general manager of Restoration of Greater Minneapolis. David has years of experience in home and commercial restoration, and he is certified as a restoration professional by the IICRC.